Moonbirds going CC0 just means the team has to spend less time finding and fighting groups trying to infringe on their copyrights and IP. If they are relying on random outsiders to build core value for their IP and community that would be a concern.

Moonbirds going CC0 just means the team has to spend less time finding and fighting groups trying to infringe on their copyrights and IP. If they are relying on random outsiders to build core value for their IP and community that would be a concern.

The reality is that being or not being CC0 won’t be the thing that creates value. Any product or brand that has ever launched in China is effectively CC0 whether they want to be or not. But you need to build quality experiences people keep coming back to in order to create value.

The reality is that being or not being CC0 won’t be the thing that creates value. Any product or brand that has ever launched in China is effectively CC0 whether they want to be or not. But you need to build quality experiences people keep coming back to in order to create value.

So excited to work as a core contributor with this group on @nounsesports

So excited to work as a core contributor with this group on @nounsesports

Great thread by @danidoesnotxist stemming from a thoughtful discussion on the @proof_xyz podcast a few weeks back on digital fashion and shifting from web2/game driven models into emergent web3 examples.

Great thread by @danidoesnotxist stemming from a thoughtful discussion on the @proof_xyz podcast a few weeks back on digital fashion and shifting from web2/game driven models into emergent web3 examples.

Proud of my friend Derek and the @88rising crew for putting on an incredible show, bringing 40k+ out in LA for Head in the Clouds, building culture and bringing people together around good music 🔥 #HITCLA

Proud of my friend Derek and the @88rising crew for putting on an incredible show, bringing 40k+ out in LA for Head in the Clouds, building culture and bringing people together around good music 🔥 #HITCLA

Grails szn so much fun, best part of the @proof_xyz ecosystem and community imo.

Grails szn so much fun, best part of the @proof_xyz ecosystem and community imo.

@brianjcho One bigger trap could be looking at 6-9 months of activity during a market boom and rationalizing the creation of new business models around small/focused groups of users

@brianjcho One bigger trap could be looking at 6-9 months of activity during a market boom and rationalizing the creation of new business models around small/focused groups of users

One of the worst things that ever happened to musicians is the advent of ad driven streaming platforms like Spotify and YouTube as the primary way for consumers to listen to music.

One of the worst things that ever happened to musicians is the advent of ad driven streaming platforms like Spotify and YouTube as the primary way for consumers to listen to music.

Glad I had the foresight to pass on this as an angel in 2018 💀 to set us down this right path in the multiverse where Patron was born in 2021

Glad I had the foresight to pass on this as an angel in 2018 💀 to set us down this right path in the multiverse where Patron was born in 2021

Lastly was great to see many familiar faces in Patron Fund I LPs in person. We wouldn’t be here without you and we are really fortunate to have such an incredible group of believers backing us from day 1 🙏🏻

Lastly was great to see many familiar faces in Patron Fund I LPs in person. We wouldn’t be here without you and we are really fortunate to have such an incredible group of believers backing us from day 1 🙏🏻